
Spring Unprocessed

Begin ANYtime between March 20 & June 1!

Spring is here!  It is the perfect time to transition from heavy, grounding  foods required during the winter to the now lighter, alkaline, uplifting and purifying foods of spring.  

Detoxifying through your diet doesn’t have to mean packets of powders that send you rushing to the nearest bathroom, fasting or even starving. Periodic detox by way of seasonal whole foods is one of the best ways to stay healthy.

Here are 3 reasons to do a Gentle Cleanse This Spring
  • Move to lighter seasonal foods your body now needs to remove inflammation built up from acidic winter eating
  • Boost your mood, energy and productivity 
  • Shed excess winter bloat and weight
Why Detox?
Our bodies are naturally built to detoxify every day as part of our normal body processes. We detox by eliminating and neutralizing toxins through our colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin.
However, in this day and age we are exposed to a number of environmental pollutants in the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. Furthermore, our chemical-laden diet with large amounts of animal protein, saturated and trans fats, caffeine, and alcohol inhibit our bodies from properly performing their detoxification processes.
Detoxing through the diet is a great way to give your body a break and support its natural self-cleaning system.

You will receive:
  • access to the Spring Unprocessed private blog
  • 3 days of meals/9 recipes + a few extra
  • access to ordering the Bio-Energetic Spring Unprocessed Supplement Package
  • tips to guide you through
  • access to "Unprocessed Chat" where you will connect with other participants and your Health Coach!

Spring Unprocessed